Sunday, January 2, 2011

How I spent New Years' Day 2011

First I helped Aunty Helen and my 'big sister Chloe' clean up ( the icing sugar ) that is...

Then in the afternoon we went for tea and ended it off with a helicopter ride!

Then to put Mummy in yet another tight spot... we all got down on our knees and begged her to let us have some candy before dinner. She relented, mumbling some thing about, "you are darned lucky its' New Years Day.. yadda yadda yadda..." as she walked off to get us the last candy canes from X'mas... ahhh life is tough being a kid. See what I have to resort to!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Cahaya!!!
    Hope 2011 will be ultra fun for you!!!
