Monday, January 31, 2011

Science Centre ~ Jan 2011

This Guy Met Us At The Entrance
Today we joined a group of homeschoolers at the Science Centre to see the Dinos Alive Exhibition. It was great and I had so much fun. There was so much to see and do and touch! The Centre has recently been renovated and its looking so much better! 
Hide And Seek In The Toddler Area
Really Liked The Flowers On Display

 Me And Adrian Piloting A Helicopter All By The Power Of My Legs!

Then We Went To Look At The Second Half Of The Exhibition.
This Was Pretty GROSS!!

Trying Hard To Reach The Tail!

Feeling Better ~ The Road To Recovery 27.01.11

Just being silly in the bath

Cooking Up A Storm..

Check Out This Asana!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gaspard's Birthday Party ~ 23.01.11

Anne The Face Painter

Almost Done...

Must You Mom??
Checking Myself Out In The Mirror ..
A nice smile for the camera!

Outfit Aside... Don't I look Classy?

Hmm this is good icing!

The Longest Wait ~ 24.01.11

Waiting to see Gastro Specialist Christopher Boey

Happy To Be Home ~ 17.01.11

The Calm Before The Storm

The very next day I got violently ill and almost ended up being admitted to hospital again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Homecoming ~ 16.01.11

The Happy Couple

I couldn't wait to get home to see my Boyfriend Gaspard. Of course, I changed into my tutu first!

Welcome Home Kisses

Tickled Pink

You'd think nothing ever happened!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cahaya's Gems 26.01.11

Tonight at bedtime I huffed as I got off her bed to do yet ONE MORE THING for her ! Then she said, "WHY are you huffing MOM!?".

And as I wiped the temporary flowery tattoo off her hand, she looks up at me n cockily says, "I'm WAITING!!"

Omg she's turning into her mother. Already.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Unfortunate Event 09.01.11~16.01.11

First Ever Tag / Hopefully the Last!

CR in A & E Pantai 12 noon ( IV line inserted )

A very worried little girl who had an accident in the playground
and ended up having to have an operation to sew her up.

Waiting and more waiting
Passing the time with Daddy whilst waiting to be wheeled to the operating theatre.

Mummy in her scrubs
Post-op and first bite after many hours of not being allowed to eat ~ guess what... chocolate!

Pee Pee Bag Weilding Toddler
Crack Attack
Up and About already... just hours after surgery!

Day Two.. examining her Pee Bag

You'd think Barbie had checked in!

Daddy taking Cahaya for a spin around the hospital

Day 3 ~ 10pm still no Doctor doing his rounds!!
Flowers from Daddy and A Balloon from The Boyfriend
Art & Medicine Come Together

Day 4  ~ Miss June came to hospital to do my Art Class.
The nurse changing the IV drip.

Home is Bliss
Kidnapped and brought home for the afternoon for a bit of a reprieve.

All princessed up and heading back to the hospital :-(

Morning No.5 Note Matching PJ's!

Barbie Mania

Just like at school!

Day 5 Playdate with Lukas and Yakob. Thank GOD for friends!!

Gypsy Patient

Day 6 kidnapped again and brought home to play for a few hours. Dressup time!!

Oceana & Luna

Day 7 Playmates... I love distraction!
Night No7 ~ Last night in hospital!

All my beautiful flowers and gifts!

Waiting Impatiently To Pee If Not I Cannot Go Home!

And We Are Outta Here!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011